According to Article 10 of Law 34/2002, dated 11 of July, about Information Society Service and Digital Commerce, we declare that this page corresponds to the company:

VAT Number: B74422957
Notification Address: AV. DEL CASTRU, 9A BAJO IZQ. – 33420 LUGONES ASTURIAS
Domain Name:
Company Registration: Registro Mercantil de Asturias, Tomo 4220, Folio 89, Hoja AS-50827

You can use any type of communication with us.
We reserved the right to change or modify this Privacy Policy anytime. We strongly recommend you to check it, and if you have registered and logged in into your account or profile, we will notify you about any kind of changes.

What data do we collect through the web site?
We can manage your IP, what operating system or browser you use, and also the duration of your visit, anonymously.
If you provide us with data in the contact form, you will need to identify yourself in order for us to get in touch with you, in case it is necessary.

What is the purpose of managing your personal data?

  • Answering your questions, petitions or requests.
  • Managing the solicited service, answering questions, or reviewing your request.
  • Information through e-mail, about your request.
  • Commercial information or events via e-mail, as long as there’s an expressed authorization.
  • Carrying out analysis and improvements on the Web, regarding our products and services. Improve our commercial strategy.

What is the validity for your data processing?
The reception and the agreement of the interested party: in those cases where in order to make a request it could be necessary to fill a form and click on the sending icon, the form achievement will imply that the user has been informed and has expressly released their agreement about the content of the term attached to the form itself or agreement of the privacy policy. All of our forms are provided with the * symbol as the mandatory data.
If you don’t fill in these fields, or you don’t mark the Privacy Policy check-box, you will not be allowed to send the information. Normally, it has the following terms:
“I’m over 14yo and I have read and accept the Privacy Policy”.

What is the purpose of managing your personal data?

  • Budget development and tracking of the same through mutual communications.
  • Electronic information, referred to your petitions.
  • Commercial or events digital information, assuming that exists an expressed authorization.
  • Managing administration services, communication and logistic, done by Responsible.
  • Appropriate invoicing and tax return.
  • Making matching transactions.
  • Control and recovery management.

What is the purpose of managing your personal data?

  • Answer your questions, requests or petitions.
  • Manage the required service, answer your question or proposal.
  • Deal with you and create a follower community.

What is the validity for your data processing?
The consent to a contractual relationship in a determined social context, according to its Privacy Policy:
*(Google+ and Youtube)

How long are personal data kept?
We can only consult or unsubscribe your data by having a specific account. We will manage them as long as you keep following, being friends or clicking on the like button, follow, or similar icons.
Any change of your data or information or publication restrictions must be made through the configuration of your account or user in the corresponding social channel.

What is the purpose of managing your personal data?

  • Processes selection organization for recruiting candidates.
  • Setting up a date with you for an interview and valuing your position.
  • If you give us permission, we could hand it to third partners or related, with the aim of helping you find a job.
  • If you mark the Privacy Policy check-box, you give us agreement to give your job petitions to companies that forming the societies group, with the aim of including you in its recruiting processes.
  • Moreover, we will inform you that, after a year has passed since you reicived your CV, we will proceed to its cancellation.

What is the validity for your data processing?
The legal base is your agreement, as soon as you send us your CV.

Is any third-party personal data included?
No, generally we only manage the data that facilitates the owners. If you provide us with third-party data, firstly you must inform and seek the agreement of the mentioned people, or, alternatively, relieve us of any kind of responsibility for the inclusion of this requirement.

What’s about minor’s data?
We don’t manage under 14yo children’s data. Therefore, avoid facilitating data if you have not the required age, or, in this case, facilitating data from third-parties who have not the mentioned age. SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L disclaims any responsibilities for the violation of this measure.

Are communications made digitally?
They will only be made for handling your petition, if it’s one of the contact channels that you have facilitated for us. If we carry out commercial communications, they will be previously announced and authorized by you expressly.

What security measures are applied?
Don’t worry: we adopted an excellent protection Personal Data level that we manage, and we installed every kind of skill and technical measures we have in order to technological development, for avoiding losses, failure, alteration, unauthorized access and Personal Data cheat.

Who is the data communicated to?
Your data will not communicate to third-parties, except for legal obligations. Specifically, they will be communicated to the State Tax Administration, to banks and financial institutions for the recovery of the provided service or acquired product, as well as to the data processors necessary fort the agreement execution.
In case of purchase or payment, if you choose an app, web, platform, credit/debit card or any other online service, your data will be transferred to this platform or will be managed in its context, always in complete security.
When we ask, development and maintenance company, or hosting company, will have access to our website. The mentioned company will have subscribed a performance contract that obliges them to maintain the same level of privacy as us.
Any international data transfer for using U.S app, will join to Privacy Shield convention, which ensures that U.S. software companies comply with EU data protection policies on Privacy.

What are my rights?

  • Know if we are managing your data or not.
  • Access to your personal data.
  • Request the correction of your data, if they’re inaccurate.
  • Request the deletion of your data if they’re no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or if you retire the given agreement.
  • Request the limitation of data processing, in some cases, if they will only be collected according to current legislation.
  • Providing your data, which will be facilitated and given to you in a structured form, commonly used or mechanical reading form. If you prefer, we can send them to the new Responsible you will assign. It is only valid in some cases.
  • Submit a complaint at the Spanish Data Protection Agency or competent supervisory authority, if you believe that we haven’t assisted you properly.
  • Withdraw agreement for any granted treatment, at any time.
  • If you change some data, we would be grateful if you communicated it to keep us updated.

Do you want a form for the Exercise of Rights?
We have forms for your Exercise of Rights, you can request it by e-mail or, if you prefer, you can use the issued documents for the Spanish Data Protection Agency or third-parties.
The citated forms must be digitally signed or be accompanied by a photocopy of an ID document. If someone represents you, you must attach a copy of their ID document, or they could digitally sign it.
Forms can be physically delivered, sent by post or e-mail to the Manager’s address, at the beginning of this text.

How long does he take for them to answer about the Exercise of Rights?
It depends on the law, but more or less in a month from your request, and two months if the subject is especially hard, in that case we will inform you that we need some more time.

Are we managing cookies?
If we are using other types of cookies that are not strictly necessary, you can consult the Cookies Policy in the corresponding link at the beginning of our website.

How long are personal data managed?
Personal data will be managed while you bounded with us. Once released, personal data will be maintained during the legal deadline planned, including deadline that a judge or a court law require based on prescription deadline of legal action.
The mentioned data will be collected until the mentioned legal deadline expire, if there’s the obligation of legal maintenance, or if the deadline doesn’t exist, until the customer requests the cancellation or revokes the agreement.
We will maintain all the information and communication based on your purchase or the service performance, while keeping services or products guarantees, for supporting possible complaints.


The access and/or use of this platform named confers the USER condition, that agrees, from this access and/or use, the General Condition of Use here mentioned. The cited Conditions will be applicable regardless of the General Recruitment Procedure which, in this case, will be of mandatory fulfilment.

PLATFORM USE confers the use for several information, services, programs or data (content, onwards), on Internet, belonging to SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. or to its licensors whose USER can log in. USER assumes the responsibility of the platform use. The cited responsibility extends to the registration, which is necessary in order to have access to specific services or content.
In this cited registration, the USER will be responsible for providing true and lawful information. Due to this registration, USER can be provided with a password, for which he will be responsible, committing himself to be diligent and confidential with the use of it. USER agrees to make a proper use of the content and services that can offer through its platform with an illustrative, but not limitative way, not to employing them for:

  • Engaging in illegal, illicit or against good faith and the public order activities;
  • Spreading racist, xenophobic, pornographic-illegal content or propaganda, terrorist incitement or attacking human rights.
  • Causing physical and logical damages to, its suppliers or third-parties, introducing or spreading viruses or any kind of physical or logical systems that are likely causing the mentioned damages;
  • Trying to log in and, where inappropriate, using the e-mail accounts of other users and modifying or manipulating their messages. SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. reserves the right to remove all comments and contributions that violates the personal dignity, that are discriminatory, xenophobic, racist, pornographic, that attack childhood or youth, order or public safety or that, in its opinion, are not suitable for publication. In any case, SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. is not responsible for the opinions expressed through forums, chats, or other aggregation channels.


SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L., by itself or as assignee, it is the owner of all intellectual and industrial property rights of its website, as well as the elements it contains (for example, images, sounds, audios, videos, softwares or texts; trademarks or logos, colours combination, structures and designs, selection of equipments used, computer softwares which are necessary for their operation, access and use, etc.), owned by SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. or its licensors.
All rights reserved.
Under Art. 8 and 32.1, second comma, of the Intellectual Property Law, reproduction, distribution and public communication, including the way of making them available, of all or part of the content of this web page, for commercial purposes, in any support and by any technical means, are strongly forbidden, without the authorization of SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. The USER undertakes to respect the Intellectual and Industrial Properties rights of SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L.
The USER can see the platform elements, print, copy and save them in their hard disk or in any physical provided whenever, exclusively for personal and private use. The USER has to refrain from deleting, altering, evading or manipulating any kind of protection device or security system installed on SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. pages.


The website servers can detect automatically the IP address and domain’s name used by user. An IP address is a number assigned to a computer, when it is connected on the Internet. All this information is registered in a server activity file that allows the follow-up process of the data, in order to obtain only statistical data that allows knowing the printing number pages, the visits number realized for the web services, the visit order, access point, etc.


SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. is not responsible, in any case, of injuries or damages of any kind that can happens, by way of example: errors or omissions in the content, lack of validity of the platform or the transmission of viruses or malicious or harmful software in the content, although having assumed every type of technological skills for avoid it.


SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. reserves the right to make changes without any notice, that it considers necessary in its platform, being able to change, remove or add content and service provided through the same, and the way in which they are presented or located in its platform.


In the case of in there can be links or hyperlinks, which link you to other Internet sites, SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. will not exercise any kind of control over these sites and content. In any case SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. will assume any responsibilities for the content of any link belonging to a third-party website, or will guarantee the technical validity, quality, reliability, accuracy, breadth, veracity, validity and constitutionality of any material or information contained in any of these cited hyperlinks or other Internet sites.
Similarly, the inclusion of these external connections will not imply any kind of association, fusion or participation with the connected companies.


SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. reserves the right to deny or decline the access to the platform and/or the offered services without prior notice, at its own request or by a third party, to those users who fail to comply with the General Conditions of Use.


SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. will pursue the breach of these terms as well as any improper use of the platform, by exercising all civil and criminal actions that may be correspond to it by Law.


SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. can modify at any moment the citated conditions, being published as they appear here. The validity of the mentioned conditions will be based on their exposition, and will be effective until they are modified by others, duly published.


This website uses information security skills generally accepted in the industry, such as firewalls, control access procedures and cryptographic devices, with the aim of avoiding unauthorized access to data. To achieve these purposes, the user/customer accepts that the provider obtains data as a result of the corresponding authentication of the controls access.

All hiring processes or which involve the introduction of personal data such as private information (health, ideology, etc.) will always be transmitted via secure communication protocol (https://, etc.), thus no third-party can access to the information transmitted electronically.


The relation between SOLUCIONES Y PROYECTOS GSTORE, S.L. and USER is founded on the current Spanish legislation and any case of dispute will be submitted to competent judges and courts.